In the nighttime
-17.5 °С
It is slight cloudiness without precipitations
wind from the south, 5 meter/sec, humidity 87%, pressure 1,001 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the south, 5 meter/sec, humidity 87%, pressure 1,001 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the morning
-17.0 °С
It is slight cloudiness without precipitations
wind from the south, 6 meter/sec, humidity 83%, pressure 994 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the south, 6 meter/sec, humidity 83%, pressure 994 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the afternoon
-15.0 °С
It is slight cloudiness without precipitations
wind from the south, 6 meter/sec, humidity 87%, pressure 989 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the south, 6 meter/sec, humidity 87%, pressure 989 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the evening
-11.0 °С
Cloudy, no precipitation
wind from the south-west, 4 meter/sec, humidity 90%, pressure 986 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the south-west, 4 meter/sec, humidity 90%, pressure 986 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the nighttime
-9.5 °С
Cloudy, no precipitation
wind from the south-west, 3 meter/sec, humidity 94%, pressure 985 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the south-west, 3 meter/sec, humidity 94%, pressure 985 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the morning
-8.0 °С
Cloudy, no precipitation
wind from the south-west, 4 meter/sec, humidity 91%, pressure 981 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the south-west, 4 meter/sec, humidity 91%, pressure 981 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the afternoon
-6.0 °С
It is cloudy without precipitations
wind from the south-west, 3 meter/sec, humidity 91%, pressure 981 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the south-west, 3 meter/sec, humidity 91%, pressure 981 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the evening
-2.0 °С
It is cloudy without precipitations
wind from the north-west, 2 meter/sec, humidity 92%, pressure 982 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the north-west, 2 meter/sec, humidity 92%, pressure 982 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the nighttime
-5.0 °С
Cloudy, no precipitation
wind from the east, 2 meter/sec, humidity 95%, pressure 982 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the east, 2 meter/sec, humidity 95%, pressure 982 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the morning
-5.5 °С
Cloudy, no precipitation
wind from the south-east, 3 meter/sec, humidity 96%, pressure 979 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the south-east, 3 meter/sec, humidity 96%, pressure 979 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the afternoon
-6.5 °С
Cloudy, no precipitation
wind from the south, 4 meter/sec, humidity 95%, pressure 977 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the south, 4 meter/sec, humidity 95%, pressure 977 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the evening
-3.5 °С
Cloudy, no precipitation
wind from the south, 4 meter/sec, humidity 93%, pressure 971 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the south, 4 meter/sec, humidity 93%, pressure 971 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the nighttime
-3.0 °С
Cloudy, no precipitation
wind from the south-west, 4 meter/sec, humidity 96%, pressure 967 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the south-west, 4 meter/sec, humidity 96%, pressure 967 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the morning
-0.5 °С
Cloudy, no precipitation
wind from the west, 4 meter/sec, humidity 93%, pressure 967 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the west, 4 meter/sec, humidity 93%, pressure 967 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the afternoon
-3.0 °С
It is slight cloudiness without precipitations
wind from the west, 3 meter/sec, humidity 93%, pressure 969 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the west, 3 meter/sec, humidity 93%, pressure 969 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the evening
-2.0 °С
It is slight cloudiness without precipitations
wind from the west, 3 meter/sec, humidity 94%, pressure 970 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the west, 3 meter/sec, humidity 94%, pressure 970 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the nighttime
-3.0 °С
Cloudy, no precipitation
wind from the north-west, 3 meter/sec, humidity 97%, pressure 973 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the north-west, 3 meter/sec, humidity 97%, pressure 973 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the morning
-2.5 °С
Cloudy, no precipitation
wind from the north-west, 2 meter/sec, humidity 98%, pressure 975 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the north-west, 2 meter/sec, humidity 98%, pressure 975 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the afternoon
-2.0 °С
Cloudy, no precipitation
wind from the south, 2 meter/sec, humidity 96%, pressure 977 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the south, 2 meter/sec, humidity 96%, pressure 977 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the evening
-0.5 °С
Cloudy, light snow and rain
wind from the south, 5 meter/sec, humidity 96%, pressure 973 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the south, 5 meter/sec, humidity 96%, pressure 973 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the nighttime
-0.5 °С
Cloudy, light snow and rain
wind from the west, 4 meter/sec, humidity 98%, pressure 969 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the west, 4 meter/sec, humidity 98%, pressure 969 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the morning
-4.5 °С
Cloudy, light snow
wind from the north-west, 9 meter/sec, humidity 92%, pressure 975 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the north-west, 9 meter/sec, humidity 92%, pressure 975 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the afternoon
-10.0 °С
Cloudy, no precipitation
wind from the north-west, 7 meter/sec, humidity 87%, pressure 985 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the north-west, 7 meter/sec, humidity 87%, pressure 985 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the evening
-11.0 °С
It is cloudy without precipitations
wind from the north-west, 5 meter/sec, humidity 86%, pressure 989 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the north-west, 5 meter/sec, humidity 86%, pressure 989 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the nighttime
-14.0 °С
It is cloudy without precipitations
wind from the south-west, 2 meter/sec, humidity 95%, pressure 989 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the south-west, 2 meter/sec, humidity 95%, pressure 989 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the morning
-11.0 °С
Cloudy, light snow
wind from the south, 2 meter/sec, humidity 95%, pressure 987 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the south, 2 meter/sec, humidity 95%, pressure 987 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the afternoon
-8.5 °С
Cloudy, light snow
wind from the west, 3 meter/sec, humidity 93%, pressure 985 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the west, 3 meter/sec, humidity 93%, pressure 985 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the evening
-8.0 °С
It is cloudy without precipitations
wind from the north-west, 6 meter/sec, humidity 85%, pressure 986 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the north-west, 6 meter/sec, humidity 85%, pressure 986 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the nighttime
-12.0 °С
It is partly sunny with light snow
wind from the north-west, 6 meter/sec, humidity 87%, pressure 987 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the north-west, 6 meter/sec, humidity 87%, pressure 987 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the morning
-18.0 °С
It is cloudy without precipitations
wind from the north, 6 meter/sec, humidity 89%, pressure 991 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the north, 6 meter/sec, humidity 89%, pressure 991 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the afternoon
-22.0 °С
It is slight cloudiness without precipitations
wind from the north, 5 meter/sec, humidity 87%, pressure 997 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the north, 5 meter/sec, humidity 87%, pressure 997 weather-pressure-units-bar
In the evening
-16.0 °С
Cloudy, no precipitation
wind from the north-east, 3 meter/sec, humidity 93%, pressure 987 weather-pressure-units-bar
wind from the north-east, 3 meter/sec, humidity 93%, pressure 987 weather-pressure-units-bar
Moon visibility
Moon phase
Moon visibility
Moon phase
February 23, 2025
Moon visibility
Moon phase
February 24, 2025
Moon visibility
Moon phase
February 25, 2025
Moon visibility
Moon phase
February 26, 2025
Moon visibility
Moon phase
February 27, 2025
Moon visibility
Moon phase
February 28, 2025
Moon visibility
Moon phase
new moon