Name your price for a large Slurpee

Name your price for a large Slurpee

Winnipeg has been declared the Slurpee Capital of the World for 20 years in a row. Fellow Winnipeggers, everyone who loves Slurpee it is definitely time to celebrate!!

Slurpee’s have been such a big part of Manitoba’s culture that last year, the City of Winnipeg designated a street with the honourary name of ‘Slurpee Way’.

Name Your Price Day is back! On Thursday, September 19, 2019 head over to 7-Eleven and pay whatever you want for a Large Slurpee! Name Your Price Day allows you to decide what you’ll pay (minimum 10 cents) for a Large Slurpee. 100% of what you pay goes to charity! This years charity is the Food Banks Canada.

Every dollar contributed provides three meals all around Canada, including Manitoba.

One of the best things about Name Your Price Day is trying some new flavours that you wouldn’t normally purchase at full price!

In Manitoba:

  • Slurpee is the number one beverage served to women in Winnipeg’s maternity wards in the summertime.
  • Instead of giving flowers, people meet and greet friends and family at the airport by giving them Slurpee drinks.
  • When it’s -40 degrees Celsius outside, people are seen waiting for the bus, biking and skating with a Slurpee in hand.
  • Slurpee is the choice drink for fans watching outdoor football games when it’s -20 degrees Celsius.
  • Slurpee is often served at summer weddings.
  • People consume Slurpee drinks for breakfast year-round.