St. Boniface rink is open again

St. Boniface rink is open again

St. Boniface rink open its doors again for city residents.

It took about half a year and more than half a million dollars to start working again. Board president Ray Comeault is glad that St. Boniface rink is finally open. He said that it was wrong to have an empty arena all winter.

Comeault added that the breakdown of the old ice-making plant was not very surprising. However, it happened at a very wrong time and led to the closing of the rink for the entire winter season.  The replacement was scheduled for the summer of 2019.

The closing of St. Boniface rink was a big hit for the city and for all its inhabitants. In addition, the rink has lost a lot of money due to the fact that it lost an entire season.

Winnipeg allocated $125,000, the province allocated $50,000, the rest of the money came from the funds that the arena hid for that purpose.

A new ice-making plant is more effective than the old one and it is going to work for about 20-30 years. St. Boniface rink will be fully prepared for the start of the hockey season at the end of the summer.

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