Due to increasing U.S. content rules 90 New Flyer jobs are moving from Winnipeg to Kentucky.
A representative of New Flyer, Lindy Norris, announced that all changes will be done in 2019. An act American parts content requirement for bus purchases that use federal funds was signed in 2015. That requirement raised up to 65% in autumn 2017, and it going to raise up to 70% in autumn 2019.
In order to meet all the requirements, New Flyer has to move the production of some of the electrical components to Kentucky. At the moment they are made in Winnipeg.
The decision to make such changes was taken by the company last month. Lindy Norris noted that the company had no choice as to take this decision. In the future such changes will not be made, this transfer of jobs will be the only one.
Currently, more than 2500 people are working in New Flyer in Winnipeg.
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