On Wednesday it became known that the province is going to introduce new fines for boatmen to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species.
Boats and other watercraft season is coming to an end due to cold weather. The province wants to provide enhanced security that would help prevent the spreading of life forms that were traditionally not native to waterways of Canada.
In this regard, a large number of new fines will appear for boaters. For example, people will receive fines for violations such as: the absence of a stop at a checkpoint, or possessing zebra mussels and other prohibited species.
People need to understand their responsibility when it comes to cleaning, washing and drying their boats because all this can contribute to the spread of AIS. Boaters should think not only about their convenience but also about the environment.
Rochelle Squires, sustainable development minister, is sure the residents of the province will support this decision.
Fines will be from $174 up to $2500. The province is also active in spreading of information and raising awareness among all residents.
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