Ukrainian music accompanies Stanley Cup

Ukrainian music accompanies Stanley Cup

On Wednesday, Dauphinites, a Ukrainian band wearing Ukrainian national costumes, and Canada's National Riding & Dancing Cossacks took park at Stanley Cup.

Barry Trotz, NHL coach, said that he can not imagine a parade without Ukrainian music. More than a thousand people found time during a busy weekday to come to the celebrating of the achievement of Cup-winning Dauphinite Barry Trotz.

People wore vintage clothing, drank dubious vintage alcohol and fired vintage muskets. A member of the Riding Cossacks noted that he is very glad to see that a person whose hometown is Dauphin, who was playing minor hockey in Dauphin, came back and showed such great results.

The coach has Ukrainian roots and that’s why he asked the Cossacks to take part in the celebration. Another Cossack reported that his group would happily guard the trophy during the holiday.

Trotz spent most of the day taking pictures with the cup and holding it over his head. In the queue of wanting to see the trophy and to make a photo of it, a lot of children were seen. The photos and memories will be a source of pride for many years for them.

Many people confessed that they never thought that there are some words and inscriptions on the cup. Some people were lucky and they had an opportunity not only to take a picture with a cup but also to touch it.

According to Trotz, Stanley Cup is one of the most significant prizes in the world sport.

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StanleyCup BarryTrotz Dauphin