Sandler Training Presents: Break the Rules, Have More fun, Close More Sales

Are you tired of hearing prospects tell you that they are not interested in making any commitments till they have time to do so?

Are you frustrated writing too many proposals or quotes and are not winning enough of business?

Are you tired of prospects telling you they want to “just want to think it over"?

Are you fed-up with prospects who don’t return calls AFTER they have your pricing, ideas and expertise?

Are you concerned that all your efforts to win a new client may actually be unpaid consulting?

Do you suspect that prospects are using you to get a better deal from their existing supplier?

Are you tired of hiring sales people who don’t actually sell anything?

If you answered yes to any of the above, this free seminar is for you.

Take a positive step to grow your business. Gain critical business insights and learn new approaches to help you and your team grow sales and increase margins. Anchor Sales Knowledge is offering an executive briefing “Break the rules, Have more fun, Close more sales”.

Event Overview:

This event is for presidents, owners and entrepreneurs who are searching for solutions to the business obstacles they face when trying to sell, manage a sales team, and grow business in a competitive economy. The topics covered will include the greatest barriers to growing sales, why these things occur and some insights into how to overcome them.

What you will learn:
- How prospects might be gaining the upper hand on you during the sales process
- Why traditional sales approaches turn you into an unpaid consultant
- How prospects use your proposals to negotiate better deals elsewhere
- Why most prospecting methods are ineffective
- How to avoid wasting time preparing proposals that won’t win any business
- Why your challenges with Time Management might actually be something else

Grow or Survive:
Have you decided to grow your income, build your future... or just simply survive? If you want to grow, check out this next seminar. I will show you how.

Seminar is free, but value is priceless. Register today.

Light refreshments will be served.