2nd Annual Winnipeg School Division Celebration Pow Wow
June 5, 2019
9:00 am to 4:30 pm
Tec Voc High School Field
Outdoor Rain or Shine
Open to the Community
Master of Ceremonies: Coco Ray Stevenson
Host Drum: Walking Wolf Singers
Bring your own chair/blanket/reusable water bottle.
We are looking for drum groups and dancers to participate.
First five drum groups will receive honorarium as well as all registered dancers. Students may register on-site for a dancer honorarium if accompanied by a parent/guardian at payout. Payout will begin following the Celebration Feast.
Respectfully no community vendors.
For more information please call Rob Riel at 204-775-0231.
Please share and follow this special celebration event using #WSDPowWow hashtag on all social media accounts.
WSD Celebration Pow Wow