“Stop, Drop, and Write” is a writing haven at Station 8 Cafe co-hosted by Mythos & Ink, a small Winnipeg-based fantasy/sci fi publishing house. We’ve got a space for you and plenty of caffeine, now what we need is writers to join us.
These events are low on structure but high in kairos. It is a space and a time where you can come and hang with other writers to do what you love to do: write. There are no prerequisites, whether you are J.K. Rowling, someone with a blog, or a graphic novelist, you are welcome to join us. All genres, ages, and planetary origins are welcome.
Every Friday. No cost, no commitment. We’ve got wifi, popcorn, grilled cheese, and coffee.
On nights with entertainment you are free to come down to join the crowd for music or comedy or board games or you can just continue to write in the comfort and kinda-sorta quiet of our writing area. If you come down for music or comedy you are encouraged to pay the $5 cover charge.
Writing: "Stop, Drop, and Write"