Do you enjoy speaking French but have a hard time finding someone to practice with you? Join us every Thursday to chat up a storm about anything you want in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. Minimal instruction will be given if the need arises. There will be music and maybe food (to be decided on the first week). And you are welcome to bring your best jokes en Français.
NB: The classes are open to anyone (ages 30 and over) in the intermediate and advanced levels.
INSTRUCTOR: Cendrine Marrouat
Fees: Members $75 / Guests: $100
Date: 10 Thursdays: April 11 - June 13
Time: 11:45 - 12:45
To sign up, please visit the link.
About Creative Retirement Manitoba:
Creative Retirement Manitoba is a not-for-profit education centre that contributes to the community by developing and offering innovative and interactive learning opportunities to our 55+ population. Creative Retirement presents opportunities for individuals to enrich their lives and share their knowledge and life experiences. We believe that people of all ages have the right to access education across their life span.
People 30 and over are also welcome to join us.
French conversation at Creative Retirement Manitoba