Labour Day Weekend 2019

The last summer long weekend is coming and everyone is excited about the extra days off. But that also means that many stores and other businesses will be closed, to be able to let people go and enjoy the weekend.

School is back, and it’s the last long weekend of Summer 2019, let’s make it a good one!

Labour Day is an annual holiday to celebrate the achievements of workers. Labour Day has its origins in the labour union movement, specifically the eight-hour day movement, which advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest. In Canada and the United States, it is celebrated on the first Monday of September and considered the official end of the summer holiday for most of the respective countries, as public school and university students return to the school that week or the following week.

Here is a list of what businesses and services are open and closed for the long weekend:

Shopping/Grocery Stores/Leisure Outlet Collection Winnipeg Monday, September 2: Closed CF Polo Park Monday, September 2: Closed St. Vital Shopping Centre Monday, September 2: Closed Kildonan Place Monday, September 2: Closed Grant Park Shopping Centre Monday, September 2: Closed Garden City Shopping Centre Monday, September 2: Closed Portage Place Monday, September 2: Closed Manitoba Liquor Marts Monday, September 2: Closed Winnipeg Casinos Monday, September 2: Open Regular Hours Walmart Monday, September 2: Closed Superstore Monday, September 2: Closed.


On Monday, September 2, Winnipeg Transit will operate on a Sunday schedule.


All Leisure Centres will be closed on Monday, September 2.


All Winnipeg Public Libraries will be closed on Sunday, September 1 and Monday, September 2. Regular Fall/Winter hours begin after Labour Day.


Indoor Pools

All City of Winnipeg indoor swimming pools will be closed on Monday, September 2.

Outdoor Pools

Weather permitting, the following City of Winnipeg outdoor pools will be open Monday, September 2:

St. Vital Transcona Aquatic Park Fort Garry Lions Westdale Freighthouse Kildonan Park

Operating hours vary by pool.

Wading Pools

Weather permitting, the following City of Winnipeg wading pools will be open on Monday, September 2:

Central Park Dakota Park Machray Park Shaughnessy Park West Kildonan Memorial CC Westdale

Operating hours are 11:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Spray Pads

Weather permitting, all City of Winnipeg spray pads will be open on Monday, September 2. Operating hours for spray pads are 9:30 am to 8:30 pm


The Animal Services Agency will be closed on Monday, September 2.


Cemetery grounds at Brookside, St. Vital and Transcona cemeteries will be open for visitation from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm

Cemetery offices will be closed on Monday, September 2.


The Winnipeg Parking Authority will be closed on Monday, September 2.


All Municipal Golf Courses will be open on Labour Day from dawn to dusk, 7:00 am to 9:00 pm.

Fellow Winnipeggers lets have fun and enjoy the last days of summer and the Labour Day Long Weekend!