The Red River skating trail closes for the season

Everyone loves snow days and beautiful weather the winter brings. People take advantage of winter weather and having fun ice skating, sledding and, of course, winter fishing. But now the days are starting to get a little bit longer and the spring is just around the corner, the skating trail at The Forks is still open.

Winnipeg officials made the call to officially close the Red River Mutual trail to skaters for the season on Tuesday, March 12th. The reason is that temperatures reached just above freezing level and it might bring danger to those skating along the trail.

The Red River Mutual Trail has been open for 74 days, breaking last year’s record of 72 days.

The longest the trail has ever been is 10 kilometers, a feat it achieved last winter. This year’s trail made it up to eight kilometers in February but has since been shortened to six.

Please visit a link below for the Forks website and more information on the skating trail and more interesting activities in the area:

The activities available:

Attractions, events, eat&drink, shops and much more! Bring your friends and family to have fun and enjoy the day.

Share this wonderful time with your family and loved ones, enjoy the winter in our beautiful city and do not forget to create magic not only for your children but for everyone around you!

The City of Winnipeg is warming that ice on the city's retention ponds is not safe. We talked to Mark Reshaur, Assistant Chief with the Winnipeg fire and paramedics about the thin ice warning in Winnipeg.

As spring approaches it is important to recognize the longer days and sunshine is melting all the ice in around the city. Reshaur explained the thin ice warning is actually in effect year-round for retention ponds as the ice conditions are not routinely monitored. Reshaur says the city recommends people to stay off of retention ponds year round.