Slurpee delivery now available in Winnipeg

What time is it? It`s food time! How often do you order food to the office or your home, Winnipeggers love food and new food delivery businesses appear every year. Food delivery service Uber Eats now offers deliveries from two 7-Eleven locations on their app and online, and yes, that includes Slurpees.

With your Slurpee, you can also purchase hot food, candy, chocolate, chips, milk and if you’re tired, hungover or have a sore throat – energy shots, painkillers, and much more!

Of course, there is a fee for the delivery, depending on how far away you are from the two locations that showed up in the app, including the locations of 7-Eleven stations at 568 Osborne Street and 655 McPhillips Street.

Winnipeg has been declared the Slurpee Capital of the World for 19 years in a row. Fellow Winnipeggers, everyone who loves Slurpee, now you know that Slurpee delivery is available in Winnipeg, check it out, try for yourself.

Please visit a link below for a food delivery service near you: