Winnipeg relationship expert offers people to pay more attention to simple love gestures

Winnipeg relationship expert said that attention to the partner can be shown not only by big gestures on Valentine's Day. Little things also matter.

The expert explains that in order to show real feelings and to strengthen a relationship, it is not necessary to arrange a grand celebration on February 14th.

“For couples who don’t want to follow that commercialization, you can honour this day by being mindful and telling each other why they love each other,” said the expert. “It doesn’t have to be a big thing, it can be simple things. Just reminding your partner that they’re lovable. I’m always for love, so anything to remind couples to love each other, to remember each other, I’m always up for that.”

The woman also added that people who do not have a partner should not feel like social outcasts on this day. Love for others begins with self-love. Perhaps by redirecting their thoughts to more positive things, the next Valentine's Day will be spent with someone.

“They have someone they can love. They can always love themselves,” she said. “The more we love ourselves, the more it will be easy to love each other.”

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