Ottawa is ready to spent money on Winnipeg Transit repair

The city planned to carry out repairs to Winnipeg Transit. That’s why it asked Ottawa for funding last summer.

Recently, the Mayor of Winnipeg said that the city received a positive response from Ottawa: the money will be allocated. The federal government will allocate $2.8-million on Winnipeg Transit's existing Fort Rouge garage repair.

Justin Trudeau will be in Winnipeg and will make an official statement on Tuesday.

A few months ago, Bowman announced that he plans to create 55 heated bus shelters in the city over the next 4 years at the expense of finance taken from the transit-garage ventilation budget. However, the union representing Winnipeg Transit workers did not like his idea.

"We support measures proposed by the mayor to improve the comfort of riders through stop and station upgrades. However, these supports should not come at the cost of necessary facility upgrades, which the city will only have to pay for later in the form of future upgrades or increased maintenance costs," Aleem Chaudhary, the president of the union, explained.

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