85th anniversary of the end of the Holodomor is recognized in Manitoba

This day is of great importance for the residents of Manitoba since the number of Ukrainians living in the province is impressive.

The Holodomor, famine and genocide killed millions of Ukrainians in 1932-1933, and that event should not be forgotten. Manitoba is among those jurisdictions that recognize genocide every year.

Cathy Cox is sport, culture and heritage minister and she stated that people should remember all those people who suffered in 1932-1933, that dark time should be present in history for future generations. Only in this way similar tragedies can be avoided in the future.

On Thursday many people came to the Legislative Building to show that they remember. The commemoration also included visiting the Bitter Memories of Childhood monument. It depicts a starving young lady with five stalks of wheat.

This monument embodies the horrendous laws of the time when a person could be killed or imprisoned if he takes a few stalks of wheat from collective farm fields.

Several provincial inhabitants told their stories. These were stories about how their parents or grandparents tried to survive and feed their family with at least something not letting their children die of starvation.

There will be a photo exhibition dedicated to the Holodomor at the Legislature up to November 27. 

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