Two Winnipeg kosher restaurants are closed now

Two kosher restaurants abandoned their kosher certification. Now there are only three private kosher places in the city.

Desserts Plus on King Edward Avenue created kosher menu last year. The owner of the restaurant said that there are not many places offering kosher meat in the city, so it was a great idea of creating such a menu. However, on November 1 the restaurant abandoned its kosher certification.

Kosher means that restaurants should be closed on Saturdays, as well as during all Jewish holidays. Not all restaurants are ready for this.

Desserts Plus now implemented new dishes to the menu and the owner said that they started having much more clients during the weekends. People wanted to see certain dishes on the menu, and even Jews wanted to try such dishes. For example, chicken on a Greek salad. However, according to kosher laws, there should be a strict separation of meat and dairy products. Now, people of all nationalities and preferences can find the desired dish in the restaurant menu.

Rabbi Yoseph Benarroch explained that today local Jewish community does not follow strict kosher rules, that’s why the popularity of such foods is gradually decreasing. His family has been living in Winnipeg since the 60s of the last century, and his father has been the main butcher of kosher meat the whole his life. At that time, the popularity of kosher restaurants and stores was much higher, there were 19 stores in the city. Now they are gone.

However, there are those residents of the city who are disappointed by the situation. For example, Lisa Cohen eats only kosher food and it is getting harder for her to find kosher restaurants and shops in the city. A woman says that she can not eat only at home, respectively, she has to make great efforts to have dinner out.

The woman does not lose hope and believes that in the near future new places will appear in the city that will offer kosher food. Lisa is sure that many residents of the city are waiting for this as well as she is.

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