Cricket became popular in Winnipeg. New sports trends of youth

Talented athletes will have a chance to develop and grow professionally. A lot of players come from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Cricket weighting is popular in these countries. The number of teams is growing steadily. With the influx of new people, the popularity of cricket is rising with renewed vigor.

The main motive for sports immigration of people is modern comfortable conditions at the beginning of a sports career. Abrar Rhman, an under-19 team player, moved to Canada from Bangladesh. According to the sportsmen, Canada is a dream for every athlete, because of conditions for coaching and personal growth are much better than in his country.

Another talent, Trevor Manoosingh, claims that he chose cricket based on his unique qualities. According to the athlete, basketball and other active games gave him the necessary basis to start a career.

The World Cricket Championship is held every 4 years, like the Olympics or the World Cup. Cricket competitions during the Olympics were only once more than 100 years ago. The rules for playing cricket are fairly simple, but according to statistics, only 10 percent of sports fans in Manitoba know less about them. Fully all the rules are placed on 20 pages.

Cricket matches is a very long performance. International matches can last 5 days. In the championship of England on cricket matches go 4 days. In many countries, it is very fashionable to go in foro cricket. Some rich corporations buy their boxes at the stadium. Who knows, maybe Winnipeg will become the new cricket center.